Monday, September 29, 2008
From Saturday Onward (04/10/08).....
I won't Be Goin PS Unless There is Some Special ReasonI am Happy that i know alot of friend and Buddy......and i should name who it is : @Ben: Sorry that i really Disappoint you but i still want to say that Thank and i wont Forget you =D
@Liling: Well, Although we don't Talk Much but i am glad that you still treat as your God Brother...Thank =)
@Daniel & Nicole : So long nv seen uu both....hope u both still well while i gone for some month....Take Care Both =P
@Jeremy: Please Don't Call me Boss, i not your Boss nor please dun cal mi boss ok? thank =O
@Anna & Winnie : Daddy is Leaving PS this sat (04/10/08) so you both must take care yourself....specially are my daughter i concern even i hav super bad temper....i still concern for uu and winnie my Step Daughter....please take care my Naughty Anna for mi while i not around...if she wan play wangan....jus let her play but control her....dun let her keep changing token n wat ok? take care both of uu .....Love uu Much =)
For Some ppl i have not Name out, Just Take Care Yourself and dont keep playing Lan ltr ur eyes become sotong hahha.... =)
Those Who Having Exam NoW~ Good Luck For yourself....Make yourself Proud when u get Result!!! JIAYOU!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Satursday (20.09.08)Today meet Ah he at jp arcade around 1plus then after that wait for him to play finish....then took mrt to Bugis to meet liling they all....when we reach bugis arcade, ah he play first then anna came follow by liling they all...then i ask ah he go take lunch first...i super hungry until goin to faint soon....then i tell liling n anna....ter come then sms ah he and mi went to take lunch....taken halfway, anna n liling sms mi tat ter have reach so i eat more faster then chong down to bugis TKA find ter...then who know...all machine hav been used then i saw melvin side one machine is empty then i sit n ready myself then after melvin played finish ....i ask ter to sit n ready himself first....then after playing finish....result is 6/3 which i get 6pt, ter 3pt then after tat we went to take dinner then leave anna,winnie,abram and ter at did not take dinner dunno after take finish their dinner....we straight away take bus go to parklane play lan gaming....then at first i play CS then play until siian then i play Dota, oso siian then i play audi ....more worse ...HANG!!! ....then mi,chris and ben change com...then i start to play audi....shimin and liling bully hongfa and mi....argh....hate them argh....jkjk them deep deep la....dun friend love .....after tat i change game to CS to play wit ben they all....until abt 9plus ....we stop n leave lan then ah he , hongfa and mi went back to jp find money....then go home rest for tml
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Satursday (14.09.08)Today Wake up Help Mom cleaning House after that went to bath meet Hong Fa at JP at 2pm ...i thought i was late badly in the end is HongFa ...wait for him near 3pm then after that went to PS around 4plus then saw liling mei,ben and some ppl ...i saw SOME FUCKER like to play 2 on 1 then i super pissed off then i play and stared at them...seriously they not happy ...come we outside talk !! ...dun KP so much! ....then after that, we went to take Dinner wit them again ...we joke then laugh like siao specially ben specially sour mi until i BWG ...then after that, went to Arcade play again....then i so happy that i break my personal timing then i saw meii and pin xian play Mario Kart so i join them play then so sad i get last in the 1st round then after that i play second round then i get second because got someone playing cheat that she using card to play plus she can choose item she like lo....then i gib up and dun play liao...scare of her after that....i see money play MT super super serious to get his personal timing....then after that we went to 7-eleven brought drink then cleon veri F lo....playing wit tat bell veri song then he smile lo...then after that, took MRT go back....but i so ps that i ps someone le....i feel so sad siia...haizZz....then went to jp play n try again then fail after that my friend come my hse to check my com then went to hse outside play ID PSP then he car gt boost ....super siian lo~.....then now talking someone then went to be pig once again~ ~Will post again if i free~
Bye Bye
Monday, September 08, 2008
Monday (08.09.08)
Today Feel very very Weak~ Jus whole day resting until go home then went to Temperature then i see is 38.0 ....guess i stil not recovered yet....
Meii...dun worii...
i promise that i will take care myself
and you oso must tc urself
and dun tin too much k?
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Thursday 04.09.08well, today at camp went alot of place....firstly, we went to Yishun get stuff after that we went to AMK camp get stuff oso then last location is at Tempines which is our camp HQ then after that go back camp take our lunch then went to do our stuff and it all abt COC ....COC mean our commander is leaving then another commander take over tis camp....after that slack awhile then took free bus went go hm bath then went to see doc then took MC so i called my trainer then he nv pick up so i sms him that tml i not goin camp due to fever...after that went to jp find friend to took my dinner....then my friend told my friend that gt a team cal Team QY ...i was thought that should be great team then i saw is bloody idiot....COPY SAME PATTERN WIT OUR TEAM AND TEAM QX ....then i totally take it then my member jio them Deathmatch wit them on next sat ....mean we join team against their team....i make sure they lose until drop pant !!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~Sorry for being too hot, i cant stand these kind of ppl....pls forgive~
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Today (Wednesday 03.09.08)Went to camp wit super super sad mood but manage to overcome myself =D ....Heard that Our Camp Commander is leaving then new Commander to coming to take over this camp and i was looking forward it heheh =D ..... today i should say is my bad luck day? ....because today sending wit my best buddy Jun Hao and chong wei and Chris but who know, we send lunch then raining but not serious but stil manage to send ration and return to camp safety .... then went to rest until 4plus ....guess wat? raining again and tis time round is heavy rain then i was like WTF!!! RAIN AGAIN!!!! OMG!!!! .....but tis is no choice but to send ration ba....then we leaving camp then my whole body wet until whole body can hardly move....when we reach other camp....the rain not too strong then we jus send our trainer food then we left tat camp and go home rest .....Special Word : Althrough you have left me , I will still waiting for you and care for youThis word is for uu if see my blog :anyway may uu last long with your currently boyfriend ....take care =D
Day We Went to Pulau Ubin and took some pic ....Enjoy!!!

Plus i make something for mi and my dearest GirL ....

Plus My Buddy Name too!!!~~~~